Water Fuel Cell
Electronics World & Wireless World
( January 1991)
Dan Danforth: Molecular Dissociation of Water
Water Fuel Cell News Release (Winter/Spring
Raum & Zeit 1(6) 63-68 (1990)
Patents Granted (@ 1990)
Water Fuel Cell R&D Format
Infinite Energy 19: 50-51 (1998)
Car Video ( Link to http://www.lonelantern.org/collection.html
USP # 4,936,961 ~ Method
for the Production of a Fuel Gas
USP # 4,826,581 ~ Controlled
Process for the Production of Thermal Energy from Gases...
USP # 4,798,661 ~ Gas
Generator Voltage Control Circuit
USP # 4,613,304 ~ Gas
Electrical Hydrogen Generator
USP # 4,465,455 ~
Start-up/Shut-down for a Hydrogen Gas Burner
USP # 4,421,474 ~ Hydrogen
Gas Burner
USP # 4,389,981 ~ Hydrogen
Gas Injector System for Internal Combustion Engine
Canadian Patent # 2,067,735
~ Water Fuel Injection System
WO 92/07861 ~ Control &
Driver Circuits for a Hydrogen Gas Fuel Producing Cell
USP Appln. 2005/0246059 ~ Hydroxyl Filling
Station (Stephen Meyer)
KeelyNet File MEYER1.ASC
Excerpts from:
Electronics World & Wireless World
(January 1991)
Eye-witness accounts suggest that US inventor Stanley Meyer has developed
an electric cell which will split ordinary tap water into hydrogen and
oxygen with far less energy than that required by a normal electrolytic
In a demonstration made before Professor Michael Laughton, Dean of Engineering
at Mary College, London, Admiral Sir Anthony Griffin, a former controller
of the British Navy, and Dr Keith Hindley, a UK research chemist.
Meyer's cell, developed at the inventor's home in Grove City, Ohio, produced
far more hydrogen/oxygen mixture than could have been expected by simple
Where normal water electrolysis requires the passage of current measured
in amps, Meyer's cell achieves the same effect in milliamps. Furthermore,
ordinary tap water requires the addition of an electrolyte such as sulphuric
acid to aid current conduction; Meyer's cell functions at greatest efficiency
with pure water.
According to the witnesses, the most startling aspect of the Meyer cell
was that it remained cold, even after hours of gas production.
Meyer's experiments, which he seems to be able to perform to order,
have earned him a series of US patents granted under Section 101. The granting
of a patent under this section is dependent on a successful demonstration
of the invention to a Patent Review Board.
Meyer's cell seems to have many of the attributes of an electrolytic
cell except that it functions at high voltage, low current rather than
the other way around. Construction is unremarkable. The electrodes ---
referred to as "excitors" by Meyer --- are made from parallel plates of
stainless steel formed in either flat or concentric topography. Gas production
seems to vary as the inverse of the distance between them; the patents
suggest a spacing of 1.5 mm produces satisfactory results.
The real differences occur in the power supply to the cell. Meyer uses
an external inductance which appears to resonate with the capacitance of
the cell --- pure water apparently possesses a dielectric constant of about
80 [Ref: several internet sources] --- to produce a parallel resonant circuit. This is excited by a high
power pulse generator which, together with the cell capacitance and a rectifier
diode, forms a charge pump circuit. High frequency pulses build a rising
staircase DC potential across the electrodes of the cell until a point
is reached where the water breaks down and a momentary high current flows.
A current measuring circuit in the supply detects this breakdown and removes
the pulse drive for a few cycles allowing the water to "recover".
Research chemist Keith Hindley offers this description of a Meyer cell
demonstration: "After a day of presentations, the Griffin committee witnessed
a number of important demonstration of the WFC" (water fuel cell as named
by the inventor).
A witness team of independent UK scientifc observers testified that
US inventor Stanley Meyer successfully decomposed ordinary tap water into
constituent elements through a combination of high, pulsed voltage using
an average current measured only in milliamps. Reported gas evolution was
enough to sustain a hydrogen /oxygen flame which instantly melted steel.
In contrast with normal high current electrolysis, the witnesses report
the lack of any heating within the cell. Meyer declines to release details
which would allow scientists to duplicate and evaluate his "water fuel
cell". However, he has supplied enough detail to the US Patent Office to
persuade them that he can substantiate his 'power-from-water' claims.
One demonstration cell was fitted with two parallel plate "excitors".
Using tap water to fill the cell, the plates generated gas at very low
current levels --- no greater than a tenth of an amp on the ammeter, and
claimed to be milliamps by Meyer --- and this gas production increased
steadily as the plates were moved closer together and decreased as they
were separated. The DC voltage appeared to be pulsed at tens of thousands
of volts.
A second cell carried nine stainless steel double tube cell units and
generated much more gas. A sequence of photographs was taken showing gas
production at milliamp levels. When the voltage was turned up to its peak
value, the gas then poured off at a very impressive level.
"We did notice that the water at the top of the cell slowly became discolored
with a pale cream and dark brown precipitate, almost certainly the effects
of the chlorine in the heavily chlorinated tap water on the stainless steel
tubes used as "excitors".
He was demonstrating hydrogen gas production at milliamp and kilovolt
"The most remarkable observation is that the WFC and all its metal pipework
remained quite cold to the touch, even after more than twenty minutes of
operation. The splitting mechanism clearly evolves little heat in sharp
contrast to electrolysis where the electrolyte warms up quickly."
"The results appear to suggest efficient and controllable gas production
that responds rapidly to demand and yet is safe in operation. We clearly
saw how increasing and decreasing the voltage is used to control gas production.
We saw how gas generation ceased and then began again instantly as the
voltage driving circuit was switched off and then on again."
"After hours of discussion between ourselves, we concluded that Stan
Meyer did appear to have discovered an entirely new method for splitting
water which showed few of the characteristics of classical electrolysis.
Confirmation that his devices actually do work come from his collection
of granted US patents on various parts of the WFC system. Since they were
granted under Section 101 by the US Patent Office, the hardware involved
in the patents has been examined experimentally by US Patent Office experts
and their seconded experts and all the claims have been established."
"The basic WFC was subjected to three years of testing. This raises
the granted patents to the level of independent, critical, scientific and
engineering confirmation that the devices actually perform as claimed."
The practical demonstration of the Meyer cell appears substantially
more convincing than the para-scientific jargon which has been used to
explain it. The inventor himself talks about a distortion and polarization
of the water molecule resulting in the H:OH bonding tearing itself apart
under the electrostatic potential gradient, of a resonance within the molecule
which amplifies the effect.
Apart from the copious hydrogen/oxygen gas evolution and the minimal
temperature rise within the cell, witnesses also report that water within
the cell disappears rapidly, presumably into its component parts and as
an aerosol from the myriad of tiny bubbles breaking the surface of the
Meyer claims to have run a converted VW on hydrogen/oxygen mixture for
the last four years using a chain of six cylindrical cells. He also claims
that photon stimulation of the reactor space by optical fibre piped laser
light increases gas production.
The inventor is a protegee' of the Advanced Energy Institute.
Molecular Dissociation of Water:
A Project for the Experimenter
by Dan Danforth
In the original setup that Stan Meyer showed us, he used 36 volts as
the basic potential applied to the reaction chamber. He also commented
that stainless steel ( 410 not 403 ) was the only metal that could be used
as oxides formed with all others. His original chamber used 18 inch long
by 0.375 inch diameter (o.d.) rod surrounded by 1 inch diameter (i.d.)
16 inch long pipe. The reason for the difference in length is for mechanical
ease of construction. My prototype used 14 inch long rod and 12 inch long
pipe of similar diameters as the drawing indicates.
Having a severe lack of parts diversity here in Sri-Lanka, I was only
able to obtain a 24 volt. 8 amp transformer and built my circuitry around
that. The final output is 20 volts with Ml reading 10 amps to the pulsing
circuit which generates a symetricel squarewave ( 50% duty cycle ) to the
flyback inductor connected in series with the chamber as the schematic
shows. The flyback high voltage spike is directed across the chamber via
c* end d*. The use of a high voltage spike alone, without the current being
delivered through the liquid, will not cause the disassociation to take
place. This I verified using an ignition coil in place of the inductor
and applied the secondary with halfwave rectification and blocking capacitor
to prevent burn out to the chamber with no results. Apparently the current
in the water aligns the molecules approprately to allow the high voltege
spike to do its work which in my opinion is the stimulation of molecular
resonance. Once Stan's unit was made to begin breakdown (which takes 6
to 8 seconds) he was able to reduce both current and voltage to miniscule
proportions. I attribute this to sympathetic oscillation of the aligned
molecules, requiring very little in the way of additional excitation. A
phenomena akin to Tesla's super resonance... resulting in Stan discovering
that he only had to supply three pulses in ten to satisfy the requirement
of the chamber. I have not yet had the opportunity to duplicate this portion
of the experiment but, in time I vill.
Duplication of the device described in these pages, however, will produce
the phenomena and hopefully launch other enterprising end inventive souls
on to designing their own refined models. It would be nice to have feedback
so that we can all collectively work to bring about the transition to non-pollution
P.S.- Though electrical circuit is by no means optinised, but represents
instead the result of parts availability here. Any good technician could
improve on it quite readily.
There are two primary frequencies that produce the best results. They
are: 14,372 Hz and 43,430 Hz. The former is about 50% more efficient, but
it seems that just about any frequency between 9 KHz and 143,762 KHz works
quite well. (1) This is because the nature of the wave form ( a spike )
is rich in harmonics and one of them is bound to be close to one of the
two primary frequencies.
Use of permanent magnets may also increase efficiency. I'll give you
the outcome of that attempt in my next letter along with the plans for
what I hope to be a much improved version.
Note: Sub-harmonics of the two primary frequencies at which dissociation
will occur:
43430 Hz
143762 HZ
1st 21715 HZ
1st 71881 HZ
2nd 14476.67 HZ
2nd 47920.67 HZ
3rd 15517.5 HZ
3rd 35840.1 HZ
4th 8686
4th 28752.4 HZ
Source publication: Unknown... Scanned from very bad photocopy.
Excerpts from Water Fuel Cell News Release # 4 (Winter/Spring
"The Birth of New Technology: The Hydrogen Fracturing
Process & Related Water Fuel Cell Technology"
by Marcia Thompson
The purpose of establishing the Hydrogen Fracturing technology which
has been developed is to use energy from the atom to produce a system which
would lend itself to mass production. Meyer is now in the process of integrating
the Electrical Polarization Generator (EPG) into the Hydrogen Fracturing
Process. The Electrical Polarization Generator is in essence a gas battery
which produces electric energy directly from the fuel cell gases without
chemical interaction. The significance of the voltage is that it is a potential
energy source, not consumed energy. The most significant point is that
the influence of voltage has a phenomenal effect on the splitting of the
water molecule and does it in a controlled state. Voltage from the Electrical
Polarization Generator separates the water molecule economically by not
consuming power. It's a new technology --- bringing the water molecule
from a liquid to gas ionization state, which in turn sets up the Hydrogen
Fracturing Process of destabilization of the gas atoms to release their
atomic energy. The process consumes very little power to accomplish this
The Voltage Intensifier Circuit (VIC) patent development had to be fully
developed to bring on the voltage phenomenon where very low energy is being
In conjunction with this development, a new Electron Grid Extractor
Circuit (EGEC) has been fully developed to extend the operability of the
Hydrogen Gas Gun technology, which sets up the hydrogen fracturing process.
The Voltage Intensifier Circuit patent development and Electron Grid Extraction
Circuit had to be fully developed to bring on the voltage phenomenon where
very low energy is being consumed.
What is this Hydrogen Fracturing Process? Since the Water Fuel Cell
(WFC) dissociates the water molecule by the stimulation of voltage, this
voltage technology has now been applied to the Fuel Cell gas atoms to release
their atomic energy. Meyer discovered that not only can the water molecule
be split into its component parts, but it is also possible to separate
the atoms of gases into their component parts by the same voltage stimulation,
releasing a tremendous amount of thermal explosive energy from the atom
under a controlled state. Under this process, preliminary tests show that
energy yields from one gallon of water are predicted to equal that of 44,000
to 108,000 barrels of oil. The Hydrogen Fracturing Process is environmentally
safe since the gas atoms are split into their component parts, releasing
explosive thermal energy from the gas atom. The nucleus remains intact.
In conjunction to the Hydrogen Fracturing Process of the Water Fuel
Cell technology, Meyer is now working out systems mechanics of retrofitting
the EPG system to the entire Water Fuel Cell system. The entire systems
mechanics are now being integrated together into a package system which,
when miniaturized, will lend itself to production. All of these previous
steps have been necessary to ensure the system lends itself to the economics
of mass production with costs held down.
Beyond the Electrical Particle Generator (EPG) system, which utilizes
a magnetized gas to produce electrical energy, work is continuing on the
Electrical Polarization Generator to optimize its operational performance,
which is also required for mass production. The EPG system is now being
prepared for design interfacing with the existing WFC technology.
To reach the maximum operational effect of the EPG system, several types
of magnetized gases are being developed and tested. Meyer is also developing
the technology to enhance the electromagnetic deflection of the gas to
optimize the EPG system still further. This development phase is now being
considered for systems economics with regard to manufacturing techniques.
What does the Hydrogen Fracturing Process (HFP) really do for the system?
It destabilizes the mass and electrical equilibrium of the gas atoms, bringing
them into a critical state for energy utilization.
The electronics control system determines systems operation and efficiency
and is part of the HFP. It complies with both US and foreign patent requirements.
It establishes electric circuit interfacing for the operability and efficiency
of the HFP. In mass production, it will be reduced to a small, simple circuit
component. The control system triggers the HFP and maintains control of
The Hydrogen Gas Injector Fuel Cell (HGIFC) is composed of resonant
cavities (lower section) in a vertical array which splits water molecules
into component parts by stimulation of a high pulse voltage frequency,
setting up the resonant action. The liberated hydrogen and oxygen atoms
and ambient air gases are stimulated from a liquid to gas ionization state
prior to entering the Hydrogen Gas Gun (HGG), located on top of the resonant
cavities. Gases are then allowed to go into the Hydrogen Fracturing Process.
The thrust nozzle, located at the very top of the system, is an optical
thermal lens affixed to the unit which triggers and sustains the Hydrogen
Fracturing Process as to the flow rate of fuel cell gases. In mass production,
the whole unit forms the Gas Injector Fuel Cell (GIFC). The complete unit
will be reduced to a small, extremely light-weight unit. The Hydrogen Fracturing
Process is completely environmentally safe. There are no radioactive materials
used in the process, and it applies to all EPA standards, plus safety,
housing and highway codes…
Hydrogen Gas Gun

Hydrogen Gas Gun

Water Fuel Cell

Excerpts from Raum & Zeit 1(6):63-68 (1990)
Hydrogen Gas Gun
The Electron Extraction Circuit removes, captures, and consumes the
"dislodged" eelctrons (from the gas atoms) to cause the gas atoms to go
into and reach "Critical State", forming highly energized combustiblegas
atoms having missing electrons. Resistive values (R4, R6, R7) and dielectric
constant of gas (Rg) and isolated ground (W) prevents "electron-flow" or
"electron deflection" from occurring within the circuit during pulsing
operations (at resonant frequency) and, therefore, keeps the gas atoms
in critical state by not allowing electron replacement to occur or take
place between the moving gas atoms. The "dislodged" negative charged electrons
are "destroyed" or "consumed" in the form of heat when Amp Consuming Device
(S) such as a light bulb) is positively electrically energized during alternate
pulsing operations. Laser activated or laser primed gas ions repel the
dislodged electrons being consumed. The Electron Extraction Process is
hereinafter called the "Hydrogen Gas Gun" and is placed on top of a Resonant
Cavity Assembly.
Thermal Explosive Energy
Exposing the expelling "laser-primed" and electrically chareged combustible
gas ions (exiting from the Gas Resonant Cavity) to a thermal spark or heat
zone causes thermal gas ignition, releasing Thermal Explosive Energy (gtnt)
beyond the Gas-Flame Stage...
Thermal Atomic interaction (gtnt) is caused when the combustible gas
ions (from water) fail to unite or form a Covalent Linkup or Bond between
the water molecule atoms. The oxygen atom having less than four covalent
electrons (Electron Extraction Process) is unable to reach "Stable State"
( 6 to 8 covalent electrons required) when the two hydrogen atoms seek
to form the water molecule during thermal gas ignition. The absorbed laser
energy (Va, Vb, and Vc) weakens the electrical bond between the orbital
electrons and the nucleus of the atom. And, electrical attraction force
being stronger than normal due to the lack of covalent electrons, "locks
onto" and "keeps" the hydrogen electrons... This Atomic Thermal INteraction
between combustible gas ions is from now on called the "Hydrogen Fracturing
By simply attentuating or varying the voltage amplitude in direct relationship
to voltage pulse rate determines Atmomic Power Yield under control state...
Photon Energy Aids Resonant Action

Laser-Injected Resonant Cavity

Power Load Distributor

Destabilizing Combustible Gas Ion

LED Laser Array

Electrical Voltage Zone (Laser-Injected Resonant Cavity)

Destabilizing Combustible Gas Ion

Controlled Energy Yield from Water Atoms

Patents Granted
USP # 4,936,961 - Method for the Production of a Fuel Gas
USP # 4,826,581 - Controlled Production of Thermal Energy from Gases
USP # 4,798,661 - Gas generator voltage control circuit
USP # 4,613,779 ~ Electrical Pulse Generator
USP # 4,613,304 ~ Gas Electrical H Generator
USP # 4,465,455 ~ Start-up/Shut-down for H Gas Burner
USP # 4,421,474 ~ H Gas Burner
USP # 4,389,981 ~ H Gas Injector System for IC Engine
USP # 4,275,950 ~ Light-Guide Lense
USP # 3,970,070 ~ Solar Heating System
USP # 4,265,224 ~ Multi-Stage Solar Storage System
USP # 3,970,070 - Solar heating system
Canada Patent # 1,231,872 ~ H Injector System
CP # 1,233,379 ~ H Gas Injector System for IC Engine
CP # 1,235,669 ~ Controlled H Gas Flame
CP # 1,228,833 ~ Gas Electrical H Generator
CP # 1,227,094 ~ H/Air & Non-Combustible Gas Mixing Combustion
CP # 1,234,774 ~ H Generator System
CP # 1,234,773 ~ Resonant Cavity H Generator...
CP # 1,213,671 ~ Electrical Particle Generator
Water Fuel Cell R&D Format
Fuel Cell Technology:
Electrical Polarization Process ~ Producing H gas economically from
water by voltage stimulation
Voltage Intensifier Circuit ~ Controls H gas production on demand
Cluster Array ~ Light manufacturing
Resonant Cavity ~Home/transportation
Laser-Injected Resonant Cavity ~ Medium industry
Atom-Injected Resonant Cavity ~ Heavy industry
H Fracturing Process ~ Controlled energy yield from water atoms (Aircraft/rockets)
Processed H Gas:
Rendering H Gas Safe ~ Adjust H gas burn rate to co-equal natural gasQuenching
Circuit ~ Anti-Spark back
Quenching Tube ~ Distribute H gas without spark ignition
H Ignition ~ Sustain & maintain H flame regardless of gas rate
Startup/Shutdown Electronic Circuit ~ Automatically reignites H gas
after flame-out
H Pipeline Storage ~ Transporting H gas through existing pipelines
H Gas Reclaim ~ Recycling water for H re-use & producing pure drinking
Electrical Power Generation:
Electrical Particle Generator (EPG) ~ Using a magnetized gas or slurry
to produce electrical energy without any air-gap
EPG Mechanical Drive System ~ To propel said magnetized gas/slurry
by mechanical displacement
EPG Electromagnetic Drive System ~ To propel said magnetized gas/slurry
by EM deflection
EPG Laser Drive System ~ To propel said magnetized gas/slurry by photon
or particle injection
Magnetic Spin Generator ~ Reorient dyne-axis of said magnetized gas/slurry
by variable pulse voltage
Spiral Transformer Configuration ~ Pass electrical energy at high pulse
voltage frequencies
Electrical Pulsing Generator ~ EM amplifier that produces a variable
voltage frequency
Electrical Feedback Network:
Gas Activated Electrical Generator ~ Using a thermal pump to move said
magnetized gas/slurry to produce electricity
Internal Combustion Electrical Generator ~ Using IC engine power by
processed H gas to move magnetized gas/slurry to produce electricity
Fluid Drive Electrical Generator ~ Using H gas pressure to move magnetized
gas/slurry to produce electricity
Electrical Polarization Generator ~ Using electrically charged gas
to produce electrical energy
Steam Resonator ~ Producing superheated steam by polar-voltage stimulation
Light-Guide Lens Assembly ~ Collects, redirects, transfers & focuses
solar energy without any moving parts
Infinite Energy 19: 50-51 (1998)
Stanley Meyer, Water-Fuel Cell Inventor & Promoter,
Dies Suddenly
by Eugene Mallove
Stanley A. Meyer, the controversial Ohio inventor who had claimed his
technology could produce a hydrogen-oxygen mixture with a minimal energy
input (compared with conventional electrolysis) died on March 21, 1998.
He had gained a world-wide following of adherents and people who had invested
in his activities --- Water Fuel Cell (Grove City, OH). He was famous for
his claimed "water fueled car" which was exhibited symbolically in the
BBC/CBC 1994 documentary on cold fusion, "Too Close to the Sun".
There were also those who were initially curious about Meyer's work,
such as the editor of this magazine, the late Christopher Tinsley of the
UK, and the late Admiral of the British Navy, Sir Anthony Griffin, but
who became frustrated by being unable --- or, more to the point, not allowed
--- to confirm (or reject finally) Meyer's claims.
I have absolutely NO DOUBT today that Stanley Meyer was his own worst
enemy. IF --- and a very big IF --- he had discovered the technological
process that he had said he had, there is no way that a reasonable, straightforward
marketing strategy would have failed to make his technology quickly spread
worldwide. He could have become very influential and very rich.
There remains a very strong suspicion that he had no such process, even
though he conducted a demonstration (before this writer and another engineer
at the Meyer lab in 1993) of the production of copious hydrogen/oxygen
gas from what visually seemed like a small input power. But Meyer was exceedingly
paranoid and he flatly refused reasonable requests by us and others to
test the performance --- the input/out power ratio, even with the proviso
that we did not have to "look into his black box" of electronics feeding
his rather simply constructed stainless steel electrode, alternating current
and voltage cell. The last such refusal --- this one in public and recorded
on video tape --- was at the ANE meeting in Denver CO in 1997. Then Meyer
loudly and falsely protested to me that he would "lose his patent rights"
if he were to release anything but complete, integrated systems --- such
as a water-fueled vehicle. Excuses, excuses, excuses...
In 1996, Meyer lost a long-lasting Ohio civil court battle accusing
him of "egregious fraud" against a former associate. As was Meyer's custom,
he ascribed this and other alleged assaults on him to various conspiracies.
To television cameras he suggested that he had been offered huge sums of
money to "suppress this technology", but that he had refused those sums.
One had the impression that he really believed that there were conspiracies
against him. That is a tragedy, a very compounded tragedy if he had actually
come up with something novel and useful that he was hiding.
This is a very complex human and scientific story that we shall want
to cover in greater detail in a future issue of Infinite Energy. There
are other processes and inventions that suggest that splitting water molecules
with much greater efficiency than with conventional electrolysis may be
possible. Certainly there are other novelties within water --- "cold fusion"
to be sure --- that really do produce prodigious quantities of energy,
but not in the mode Meyer claimed. For now, here are some of the facts
surrounding Meyer's death:
He was apparently eating dinner at a Grove City OH restaurant, when
it is reported that he jumped up from the table, yelled that he'd been
poisoned", and rushed out into the parking lot, where he collapsed and
died. It has been reported by Meyer's associates that Meyer had just secured
funding for a $50 million research center near Grove City, but there is
no way to confirm or reject this at the moment.
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